Monday, November 19, 2012

Lions and Tigers and...Zombies?

Lions and Tigers and...Zombies?

New Orleans, the beginning of the end of the world. Aka? Zombies.


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Can I reserve Naple?

If change is a part of life, why does it seem both cruel and gentle? -Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)

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Please go back and read how I asked reserves to be done, fix your question, and you can have her! :)

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Hey Natzalia!!!! :P
Can i reserve Ebony?? Since irl my name is Ebony, and i'll be 24 in June! lols (Weirddd, eh!? :P)

We should all be viewed as beautiful, but in different ways.
No one type should rule, and no one type should be ridiculed.
We should all be allowed to feel pretty, with no shame or self-pitty.


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~Lonesome Butterfly~
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hey Natzalia! Just wanted to ask if I could reserve Star. Character sheet will prob be up soon

Real knowledge
is to know the extent
of one's ignorance.

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btw, I noticed that star is twin of moon. If you want, find someone close to the looks of Emily Osment, if you aren't going for that look, then lets just say they aren't identical. Or, since it is star and moon, find someone completely opposite in looks.

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Yes to you both! You both have 24 hours

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