Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Here?s a couple of myths I hear a lot from people:

MYTH 1: It?s hard to teach kids how to eat healthy.

FACT: Teaching kids how to eat healthy doesn?t have to be hard. Start with a simple food project and teach them a new skill. Give them some room to try new flavors.

MYTH 2: Eating healthy is too expensive.

FACT: When you choose foods that are in season, especially foods grown by your local farmers, it can be inexpensive to eat healthy.

MYTH 3: Youth Guidance has plenty of adult mentors for the kids they serve.

FACT: There are still 400 kids on?Youth Guidance Mentoring & Activities Program's waiting list hoping to be matched with an adult mentor. Through our collaborative education programs, we help identify mentors for these?kids.

Learning how to eat healthy and stay fit is what we do in the programs taught by Growing Healthy Kids. We engage kids in the process by having ?fun with a purpose? as Ronnie Hewitt used to say to me.

So here?s a story about what we did last Saturday. Fitness, Fun, and Food was the theme at our Growing Healthy Kids with Youth Guidance Mentoring & Activities Program event held at Riverside Park. Twenty great kids and a handful of adult volunteers spent the morning getting fit on the fitness trail, checking out the cool things to do and see at Community Day at Vero Beach Museum of Art, then learning how to make Fresh Corn Salsa. The food was fabulous and the young chefs had a blast learning some basic techniques used in the kitchen, such as how to use a knife, how to slice vegetables, and even being daring with a couple of ingredients. The cool thing to watch was that ALL the kids wanted to be involved, not just some of them. They ALL wanted to wear the Growing Healthy Kids aprons that give them superpowers for eating healthy foods. They ALL were having fun with the purpose of learning how to eat healthy, one vegetable and one child at a time.

Below are some of the pictures from our Saturday event. Be inspired to teach your own children about the joys of having fun with a purpose, especially in the kitchen. A very special thanks to Rebecca Hornbuckle of Veggies of Vero for supplying the farm fresh veggies for this event. The flavors of the just-picked tomatoes, peppers, and spinach were so delicious. The juicy navel oranges decorated our ?al fresco? dining in high style.

Growing Healthy Kids is committed to reversing childhood obesity and improving the health of America?s children, one garden and one child at a time.

Respectfully yours,

Nancy Heinrich

PS - We'll have the Fresh Corn Salsa recipe in our next blog!


navy football 50/50 50/50 fafsa phish dr. seuss

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