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OK, now, pay attention!? If you've been reading this blog for long enough, you know that Helpful Buckeye has stressed repeatedly that a pet owner needs to be?familiar with the habits and appearance of their dog or cat.? That is one of the most reliable ways to be able to tell when something just isn't right with the pet.? Awareness of the normal state of events is the first step in the process of catching a disease or illness in its early stages.? Catching an illness early in its development not only gives your pet a better chance of an earlier recovery but also has the potential of saving you some money...and both of those are big pluses.
For the love of your pets: Evaluating your pets'
By Dr. John Beck
My own dog was diagnosed with a heart condition about six months ago. We have some trouble every now and then, but for the most part, his condition is controlled with the medications my veterinarian prescribed. Is there any way for us to know if his "spell" is worth taking him into the vet on emergency or if it is something I can wait on?
Heart conditions are a tricky science. It is usually a blend of medications given a couple of times a day to help maintain your pet's quality of life. Regular visits to your veterinarian are necessary to evaluate how your pet is doing on all the medicines and make sure all of his needs are being met.
The fastest way to evaluate your pet's current state is to try and take his vital statistics - just like a human hospital would get your weight, temperature, blood pressure, etc. upon arrival. You can do the same for your pet.
Mucous membranes are something we always look at when first seeing a patient. Mucous membranes usually refer to the color and wetness of the gum line. A healthy gum line is usually a pretty bright pink and slick to the touch due to the saliva. If a dog is having trouble breathing or making oxygen exchange, the gums can appear purple in color. If the dog is dehydrated, they can feel tacky or sticky to the touch.
Another vital statistic that is regularly checked on a dog/cat is capillary refill time. This is how long it takes for the capillaries (small blood vessels) in the gum line to fill back up with blood after being emptied. To check this, you need to apply mild pressure to the gum line until it turns white, then let go. Count, in seconds, how long it takes for the gum to return to a normal color. If the return time is one to two seconds this is considered normal. Anything over three seconds is considered abnormal.
You can check your pet's pulse by finding the femoral artery that runs inside the pets back leg. The groin section is usually the easiest place to find it. Count how many times you can feel the pulse in 15 seconds then multiply by four. This will give you the number of heart beats per minute. For dogs that are less than 30 pounds, an average heart rate or pulse is 100-160 beats per minute. For a dog over 30 pounds, an average heart rate or pulse is 60-100 beats per minute. The smaller the dog, the faster the heart rate; and the larger the dog, the slower the heart rate. Puppies and cats typically have a pretty quick heart rate regardless of size. They tend to run in the 100-130 beat per minute range.
Is this Normal? - When to take your pet to the
Adapted from:? pet guardians recognize the obvious signs of a pet in distress and would seek veterinary care for all the obvious signs of illness or injury such as bleeding or an animal who can not stand. But what about the more subtle signs that your pet needs help? Every species has its one code, its own tell-tale signs of trouble, and in the animal kingdom, communication can be cryptic to the human eye. One golden rule is to watch for any behavioral shifts which may have an alarming underlying cause..
1.????? Restlessness: Maggie, the 10-year-old calico cat, was always a quiet girl. She preferred to spend most of the day sleeping in a wicker basket. So when Maggie began exploring the house more, particularly at night, her family was thrilled to see her becoming more active. Maggie would pace through the house, checking every room and sometimes let out a single meow. Turns out, Maggie was suffering from a brain tumor that was giving her severe headaches. The pacing was her response to the pain. What looked like a wonderful new sense of exploration, was actually the manifestation of severe illness. Restlessness can be a firm indicator of pain or anxiety. 2.????? Unusual Ways of Getting Your Attention: What do you make of a bunny who normally wanders the living room floor but is suddenly ascending onto the couch? Perhaps he has his ears cocked in different directions instead of the usual symmetrical arrangement. Bunny may be trying to get your attention. A common cause of pain in rabbits comes from their mouths as teeth tend to grow spurs causing painful lacerations and infection, especially in the rear corners of the mouth that can only be viewed with special veterinary instruments. In dogs and cats, frequent barking or meowing that is uncharacteristic for your pet, could be a sign of distress. Any time your pet is persistently turning to you for attention and you are unable to satisfy this pleading with food, water or a walk outdoors, you could be looking at a pet who is in need of care.? In iguanas, face rubbing is a problem and can lead to injury from abrasive metal cages. Environmental changes, health issues or a small cage can provoke the behavior. 3.????? Changes in Body Presentation and Posture: A pet bird who sits with his feathers ruffled out for a long period of time may be suffering respiratory illness See a complete list of bird health warning signs here In rabbits, a hunched and hunkered down posture can indicate stasis, a painful and potentially deadly slow-down of the gastrointestinal tract which is common to rabbits and requires immediate veterinary intervention. And in dogs and cats, you'll want to pay attention if your pet is suddenly sleeping in an unusual position, limping or hesitating to sit down. 4.????? Hesitation to Jump or Climb: A dog who begins to hesitate before jumping into the car or onto the bed may be experiencing arthritis, hip dysplasia or even early signs of neurological disease.5.????? Going into Hiding/ Becoming Quiet: If your normally social pet begins seeking more quiet time or begins sleeping a lot more, this can be a red flag indicating some form of pain or infection. This is a big one and you'll want to begin paying careful attention to see if you can uncover any other changes so that you can report these to the vet as well. In fact, one cat who recently swallowed a long piece of string that was constricting his intestines was simply noted to be sitting quietly and not bouncing around as he usually does. This change had only begun that morning, but his eyes seemed to say, something is wrong, and fortunately his very astute guardian rushed him to the vet where an x-ray revealed the foreign body and emergency surgery saved his life.?
6.????? Pee & Poo Indicators: Your animal's bathroom habits are an excellent barometer of health which is why its critically important for pet guardians to observe their pets' elimination behaviors. Frequent urination can indicate a variety of sneaky and serious health issues ranging from diabetes to urinary tract infection to kidney failure. In fact, in male cats blockage of the urinary tract can suddenly occur and your cat will be unable to urinate despite desperate attempts. If your litter box is out of sight, you will not notice these red flags. You must see how often your cat is visiting the box. Daily cleaning of the box to look for appropriate quantity of urine is essential, but in multi-cat households, it's harder to spot illness in a single cat through cleaning alone. Changes in bowel movements can indicate anything from simple parasitic infection to intestinal disease to gastrointestinal hemorrhaging. Black poo, poo with red blood or diarrhea that persists are all reasons to see the vet. 7.????? Bad Breath: Geriatric pets are not the only ones who can suffer from dental diseases. Even in kittens as young as four months old, severe dental disease can be present as a result of common viruses and severe pain, even exposed nerves, can evolve quickly. If your pet has foul breath, don't play games with over-the-counter breath freshening tools. First, see your vet to find out if your pet has abscesses, broken teeth, gingival (gum) complications or other oral health conditions that could be causing pain and opening the window to additional disease of major organs including the heart. 8.????? "False" Hairballs or Coughing: You'd be surprised at how asthma in cats looks and sounds like a cat trying to cough up a fur ball. Many cat guardians miss the early signs of asthma because it appears so similar to the old 'hair ball' routine. Viral infections, heart diseases, asthma and worms are but a few of the reasons your pet may be coughing, wheezing or sneezing and it's simply impossible for pet owners to make these determinations on their own. 9.????? Itching: Sometimes food allergies, environmental allergies or external parasites cause itching.? Particularly if you pet is itching at his ears and wincing, painful ear mites or yeast overgrowth may be present.10.? Not Your Average Vomit: Pets do vomit occasionally but sometimes vomit is an indicator of an emergency ranging from poisoning, an ingested foreign object or serious illness. And, in fact, retching unproductively can also indicate a severe condition in dogs in which their stomach is twisted.
21 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore in
By: Dr. Debra Primovic
There are serious symptoms that should never be ignored in your dog. A symptom is defined as "any problem that can indicate an underlying disease" and may be your first clue to the presence of a life-threatening problem in your dog. Here is a list of 21 symptoms that should never be ignored if you see them from your dog!
1. Pacing and Restlessness. In dogs, pacing and restlessness can be indicate pain, discomfort or distress. Restlessness can be associated with a condition called "bloat" in which the stomach. Bloat and most commonly occurs in large breed or deep-chested dogs. Pacing and restless can be an indicator of a serious problem.
2. Unproductive Retching. Dogs that attempt to vomit and are unable to bring anything up is a common sign of "bloat". You should call your veterinarian immediately.
3. Collapse or Fainting. Acute collapse is a sudden loss of strength causing your dog to fall and be unable to rise. Some dogs that suddenly collapse will actually lose consciousness. This is called fainting or syncope. Some dogs recover very quickly and look essentially normal just seconds to minutes after collapsing, whereas others stay in the collapsed state until helped. All the reasons for collapse or fainting are serious and should not be ignored. See your veterinarian immediately.
4. Not Eating or Loss of Appetite. Anorexia is a term used to describe the situation where an animal loses his appetite and does not want to eat or is unable to eat. There are many causes of a "loss of appetite" and is often the first indication of illness. Regardless of cause, loss of appetite can have a serious impact on an animal's health if it lasts 24 hours or more. Young animals less than 6 months of age are particularly prone to the problems brought on by loss of appetite.
5. Losing Weight. Weight loss is a physical condition that results from a negative caloric balance. This usually occurs when the body uses and/or excretes essential nutrients faster than it can consume them. Essentially more calories are being burned than are being taken in. Weight loss is considered clinically important when it exceeds 10 percent of the normal body weight and is not associated with fluid loss. There are several causes for this, some of which can be very serious.
6. Breathing Problems. Respiratory distress, often called dyspnea, is labored, difficult breathing or shortness of breath. This can occur at any time during the breathing process, during inspiration (breathing in) or expiration (breathing out). When your dog has trouble breathing, he may not be able to get enough oxygen to his tissues. Additionally, if he has heart failure, he may not be able to pump sufficient blood to his muscles and other tissues. Dyspnea is often associated with accumulation of fluid (edema) in the lungs or the chest cavity (pleural effusion). This fluid can lead to shortness of breath and coughing. This is a very serious symptom and should be evaluated immediately.
7. Red Eye. A "red eye" is a non-specific sign of inflammation or infection. It may be seen with several different diseases including those involving different parts of the eye including the external eyelids, third eyelid, conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera (white portion of the eye). It may also occur with inflammation of the structures inside the eye, with glaucoma (high pressure within the eye) or with certain diseases of the orbit (eye socket). Either one or both eyes can become red, depending upon the cause of the problem. Some of the possible causes can be serious and ultimately cause blindness.
8. Jaundice. Jaundice, also referred to as icterus, describes the yellow color taken on by the tissues throughout the body due to elevated levels of bilirubin, a substance that comes from the breakdown of red blood cells. There are several causes for jaundice and regardless of the cause, jaundice is considered abnormal and serious in the dog.
9. Trouble Urinating. "Trouble urinating" can include straining to urinate, frequent attempts at urination, and evidence of discomfort when urinating. Discomfort may be demonstrated by crying out during urination, excessive licking at the urogenital region or turning and looking at the area. There are several underlying causes. Some of the causes if left untreated can result in death in as little as 36 hours.
10. Urinating and Drinking Excessively. These signs are often early signs of disease including kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland problems, uterine infection (called pyometra), as well as other causes. Dogs normally take in about 20 to 40 milliliters per pound of body weight per day, or one to two cups per day for a normal sized dog. If you determine that your pet is drinking excessively, make an appointment with your veterinarian.
11. Fever. A fever is defined as an abnormally high body temperature resulting from internal controls. It is believed that fever is a method of fighting infection. The body resets the temperature control area of the brain to increase the body temperature ? probably in response to invasion of foreign matter such as bacteria or viruses. The normal temperature in dogs is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If your pet temperature is high, call your veterinarian.
12. Seizure. A seizure or convulsion is a sudden excessive firing of nerves in the brain. The severity of the seizure can vary between a far-away look or twitching in one part of the face to your dog falling on his side, barking, gnashing his teeth, urinating, defecating and paddling his limbs. A seizure can last from seconds to minutes. Seizures are symptoms of some neurological disorder ? they are not in themselves a disease. They can be caused by several disorders including epilepsy, toxins or tumors.
13. Bruising and Bleeding. Abnormal bruising and bleeding arises with disorders of hemostasis (clotting). Clotting abnormalities are also called coagulopathies, because they reflect the inability of the blood to coagulate or clot. Bleeding from clotting disturbances may occur into the skin, the mucous membranes, and various internal organs, tissues, and body cavities. The impact of such bleeding on the affected individual may be mild or severe depending on the degree of blood loss.
14. Coughing. Coughing is a common protective reflex that clears secretions or foreign matter from the throat, voice box, and/or airways, and protects the lungs against aspiration. It affects the respiratory system by hindering the ability to breathe properly. Common causes include obstruction in the windpipe, bronchitis, pneumonia, heartworm disease, lung tumors, kennel cough and heart failure. Some of the causes are life threatening and all pets with a cough should be evaluated by a veterinarian.
15. Bloated or Distended Abdomen. Abdominal distension is an abnormal enlargement of the abdominal cavity. This term is usually reserved for abdominal enlargement due to causes other than simple obesity. One cause of abdominal distension is abnormal fluid accumulation. Another cause of abdominal distension is enlargement of any abdominal organ including the liver, kidneys, or spleen. Distension of the stomach with air ("bloating") or fluid or distension of the uterus (womb) during pregnancy, can result in abdominal distension. Pressure from the abdomen pushing into the chest may make breathing more difficult and pressure within the abdomen may decrease the appetite. NOTE: It is important to recognize abdominal distension because it can be a symptom of potentially life-threatening diseases and should be investigated thoroughly.
16. Bloody Diarrhea. Blood in the feces can either appear as "melena" which makes the stools appear black and tarry is the presence suggests digested blood in the feces. Melena is different from fresh blood in the stool (hematochezia). Bleeding into the colon or rectum appears as fresh blood in the stool. Bloody diarrhea should be evaluated by your veterinarian as soon as possible.
17. Bloody Urine. Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells in the urine. It may be gross (visible to the naked eye) or microscopic. There are several possible causes including bacterial infections, cancer, stones in the urinary tract.
18. Bite Wounds. Bite wounds are often the result when two animals engage in a fight or aggressive play. Bite wounds, which may only appear as a small puncture wound in the skin, can actually be quite extensive. Once the tooth penetrates the skin, severe damage can occur to the underlying tissues without major skin damage. Some wounds may appear deceptively minor but may have the potential to be life threatening, depending on the area of the body bitten. All bite wounds should receive veterinary attention.
19. Bloody Vomit. Vomiting blood can fresh blood, which is bright red or partially digested blood, which has the appearance of brown coffee grounds. There are a variety of causes of vomiting blood and the effects on the animal are also variable. Some are subtle and minor ailments, while others are severe or life threatening.
20. Lethargy or Weakness. Lethargy is a state of drowsiness, inactivity, or indifference in which there are delayed responses to external stimuli such as auditory (sound), visual (sight), or tactile (touch) stimuli. Lethargy is a nonspecific sign associated with many possible underlying systemic disorders. It may have little to no impact on the affected individual; however its presence may represent severe or life-threatening illness. Lethargy of more than a day's duration should not be ignored, and should be addressed, especially if it persists.
21. Pale Gums. Pale gums or mucous membranes can indicate blood loss or "shock". The possible causes for either blood loss or shock are life-threatening and thus should be evaluated immediately.
Adapted from:? Give pet a pat, and an exam while at itThere?s something therapeutic about petting your cat or dog.
No, really: Your petting them could save their life. Depending on the animal, it?s not uncommon for cats and dogs to develop lumps or bumps on or under their skin. During annual veterinary exams, your vet should be checking for these.
In between vet visits ? some even suggest once a week ? it?s good to give your pet a check-over to make sure no new bumps have emerged or that no existing bumps have grown.
The vets at and Southwest Veterinary Oncology suggest starting at the nose and working back to the tail. Check the nostrils for discharge or bumps, and feel your way over their face, ears and neck, not ignoring the skin in their wrinkles.
Open a dog?s mouth (a cat?s, too, if you can) and check for any abnormalities in the gums or tongue.
Work your way down the torso and legs, and check the anal area for bumps or discharge. Go all the way to the end of the tail, getting in between toes and at the points where joints connect.
Most pets will allow and even welcome the stroking: They?ll think you?re petting them, said Dr. Jennifer Arthur of Southwest Veterinary Oncology.
There are at least a half-dozen possibilities of what the lump is and what caused it, so if you do find one, don?t panic.
The first step is to check the same area on the other side. If it?s symmetrical, odds are it?s nothing to be worried about.
If it isn?t, call and describe it to your vet. They may suggest that you come in, or they may just ask that you monitor it during the next few weeks.
It could turn out to be an abscess, a sebaceous cyst, a skin papilloma (wart)?or a variety of other non-fatal things.
If you detect swelling around the lymph nodes (under jaw, in front of shoulders, junction of back legs and front of knees on both animals), see the vet soon. This could be an indicator of cancer, which your vet can detect.
If a vet is unsure, he or she may take a needle biopsy or excise the lump and send it to a pathologist for a report.
Whatever the issue is, if you catch the lump early, treatment options are many.
The next time you have a rough day and need a snuggle, pet like you mean it and give your animal a quick exam.
It?s a simple, free tool for keeping your pet healthy, and they?ll relish attention from their favorite person in the whole world. Adapted from:? Any questions or comments should be sent to Helpful Buckeye at: or submitted at the "Comment" section at the end of this issue. ~~The goal of this blog is to provide general information and advice to help you be a better pet owner and to have a more rewarding relationship with your pet. This blog does not intend to replace the professional one-on-one care your pet receives from a practicing veterinarian. When in doubt about your pet's health, always visit a veterinarian.~~Source:
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The first black president hasn't recruited a wave of black politicians to follow him, and Politico's Jonathan Martin asks, essentially, whether President Obama has been a good enough black leader. Several black politicians respond that if Obama were that type of politician, he wouldn't have gotten elected in the first place. Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver says, "If he concentrated on trying to set up some kind of brigade of black aspiring politicians where he would mentor them and so forth, somebody would introduce impeachment legislation." Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed says, "If he had been viewed as this champion of black people helping a cadre of young black people would that have been helpful to the bigger mission of having a black man not just elected but reelected to the presidency?" That is a polite way of noting that since Obama's election, the national conversation about race hasn't always been enlightening ? it has sometimes devolved into a?bad country song, or Glenn Beck saying the president hates white people, or the demands?for an investigation into the "Obamaphone," which is actually the Reaganphone.
RELATED: Was It Racist for Palin to Accuse Obama of 'Shuck and Jive'?
But while racism among some people, particularly in the South, plays a role, there are other barriers keeping black politicians from winning statewide. These things were not Obama's creation.
RELATED: The Real Story of Obama's Mom
Black voter turnout exceeded white voter turnout in 2012 for the first time ever, the Associated Press?reports today, based on a new analysis by the?Brookings Institution. Yet, Martin points out, "African-Americans are scarce and bordering on extinct in the U.S. Senate and governorships." Is this because Obama hasn't cultivated them? It's not that simple.?The American Prospect's Jamelle Bouie explained last year that while almost half of senators had first served in the House, no black representative had made the leap to the Senate. (The only one that has made the leap since, Tim Scott, was appointed to replace Jim DeMint after the senator quit for a $1 million job at the Heritage Foundation.) There are a couple reasons it's hard to make the jump: black representatives tend to come from big states, so they're less well known, and they tend to have very liberal voting records.?And black politicians tend to represent less affluent districts, meaning it harder for them to raise the huge amount of cash needed to win a Senate seat.
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Especially in the South, black Democrats and white Republicans have worked together to pack black people in a few congressional districts, meaning black representatives don't have much incentive to position themselves as moderate. (Georgia Rep. John Lewis and South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn told Politico that they "have concluded that district-packing is detrimental and stated that they'd be OK with representing more diverse districts.")?It's easier for black politicians to win statewide races when their congressional districts aren't overwhelmingly black. That was true of Obama when he was a state senator ? his district was redrawn in 2000 to include more wealthy white liberals. Bouie thinks Obama's loss in a 2000 House race in Chicago is what "freed him to build a multiracial constituency outside of Chicago's South Side."
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If an 8-inch stylus-enabled Galaxy Note wasn't your cup of tea, perhaps Samsung's new 7-inch model will hit your screen-size sweet spot. The Galaxy Tab 3 has gone official and the third iteration of the company's first Android tablet arrives with a dual-core 1.2GHz processor, 8GB or 16GB of storage (with expansion up to 64GB), a 3- and 1.3-megapixel camera array and a substantial 4,000mAh battery. That 7-inch WSVGA (1,024 x 600) TFT display suggests it's likely to be a keenly-priced slate, although we're still waiting to hear on specifics. Samsung's loaded up the Galaxy Tab 3 with Android 4.1 and says that the WiFi version will launch "globally" in May, while an incoming 3G model (no LTE at this point, but it'll be able to make calls) will follow in June.
Via: The Verge
Source: Samsung Mobile
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BERLIN, April 29 (Reuters) - Barcelona will try every trick in the book to overturn a 4-0 first-leg deficit against Bayern Munich in their Champions League semi-final return leg on Wednesday, honorary Bayern president Franz Beckenbauer warned on Monday. Bayern crushed the Spaniards last week in a surprisingly one-sided encounter but Beckenbauer, former player, coach and president of Germany's most successful club, warned that Barcelona were not ready to surrender. "Barca will try everything to throw Bayern off balance," he told Bild newspaper. ...
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The price of oil rose above $94 per barrel Monday as positive U.S. economic data added to optimism for a rate cut in Europe.
By midday in New York, benchmark crude for June delivery was up 90 cents to $93.90 a barrel, after earlier reaching $94.39.
The U.S. government said Americans spent more in March as their incomes went up. And pending home sales hit their highest level in three years. Traders also think the European Central Bank will cut its benchmark interest rate from the current record low of 0.75 percent to 0.50 percent, in a further attempt to turn around the economy there.
A weaker dollar also helped boost oil prices by making crude priced in dollars cheaper for traders using other currencies. On Monday, the euro was up to $1.3082 from $1.3065 late Friday in New York.
Drivers are still shelling out fewer dollars at the gas pump compared with a year ago. The national average for a gallon of regular is $3.50, compared with $3.82 on this date last year.
Brent crude, which is used to price oil from the North Sea used by many U.S. refiners, was up 24 cents to $103.40 on the ICE Futures exchange in London.
In other energy futures trading on Nymex:
? Wholesale gasoline fell 1 cent to $2.82 a gallon.
? Heating oil was flat at $2.86 a gallon.
? Natural gas added 13 cents to $4.36.
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Many of the nation's 440 military bases were established in what were once sparsely populated hinterlands where soldiers trained without complaints from neighbors about the roar of warplanes and the sound of gunfire and explosions.
Now, with urban sprawl pushing up against perimeter fences, the U.S. Department of Defense has quietly become a major protector of wilderness and ranch lands. Working with conservation organizations and local governments, its Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative has helped buy nearly $1 billion worth of land to create buffer zones around 64 military bases where development threatened to encroach on combat training.
The program has been a boon for conservation, creating more than 260,000 acres of new sanctuaries ? off limits to development in perpetuity ? for some of the rarest plants and animals on earth: the California red-legged frog, the Pacific pocket mouse, the Chorro creek bog thistle and, in North Carolina, rare longleaf pine habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker.
"This is one of the fastest-growing federal conservation programs to protect habitat and land ? but that is not why we are doing it," said Nancy Natoli, spokeswoman for the program. "Our mission is to train war fighters."
Judged by its founding mission, the eight-year-old program has been a success. From Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in Oceanside to Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Florida's northwest panhandle, military bases are transforming themselves into places where nature and combat training prosper.
Nationwide, the Defense Department has spent $300 million in cost-sharing agreements with partners who acquired land and conservation easements to protect military testing and training capabilities.
In California, recent acquisitions include hundreds of acres of untrammeled desert near the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center and Joshua Tree National Park. The land was needed to secure live-fire training.
Near Sacramento, the program obtained a cattle ranch outside Beale Air Force Base that had been targeted for a 5,000-home development. The Army's Camp Roberts in Central California partnered with the Ag Land Trust to acquire conservation easements on adjacent grazing lands and vineyards.
The Army's Camp San Luis Obispo has buffered itself from the growth of subdivisions in the nearby city of San Luis Obispo. The Pentagon's program helped buy 1,342 acres worth about $4.3 million, protecting habitat for endangered red-legged frogs and Southern steelhead trout.
At Vandenberg Air Force Base north of Santa Barbara, where the median home price is about $3 million, the military joined with the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County and Santa Barbara County a year ago to buy 171 acres for $3.4 million. As a launch site for nuclear missiles and government satellites, the base faced issues including the possibility of errant launches, falling debris and toxic clouds.
Under terms of that agreement, the Santa Barbara County Parks Department owns the land, The Land Conservancy holds a conservation easement on the property and, on launch days, the military maintains the right to evacuate the area.
On a recent weekday, a group of conservationists gathered on a ridgeline. On one side stood Vandenberg's no-trespassing signs. The other side offered sweeping views of the old Tognazzini ranch, where it seems as though nothing has changed since it was homesteaded in 1897.
Long, lazy breakers crashed on the base of sandy bluffs and dunes. Streams spilled out of arroyos and into estuaries teeming with shorebirds. Swallowtail butterflies hovered over coastal sage scrub.
Without the Defense Department's contribution of about $890,000, "the transaction would not have been possible because we had exhausted our funding sources," said Kaila Dettman, executive director of The Land Conservancy. "So it's mission accomplished: there will never be homes, hotels or large structures of any kind on this land."
That is just what Herbert Tognazzini, who died a year ago at the age of 99, hoped would eventually become of the property that was once was a working cattle ranch.
"Dad always said, 'Susie, this land should belong to everyone; it should not be developed,'" recalled Susan Duran, 60, one of 42 family members who sold the property a year ago for its appraised value.
After the sale, Duran visited the area to relive cherished memories ? and deliver a message. Standing in a meadow bright with wildflowers, Duran looked out at the breakers and whispered, "Dad, it's saved. The land belongs to everyone."
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By Courtny Gerrish
CREATED Apr. 26, 2013
'); } else if($(this).data("type") == "vevo") { $(this).parent("li").addClass("active-video").append(''); } }); }); }; $(document).ready(function(){ function checkWidth() { var windowsize = $(window).width(); if (windowsize >= 750) { $(".slider").nanoslider({width:640,height:360}); } else { $(".slider .slides").css({width:300,height:184}); $(".slider .slides li").css({width:300,height:184}); $(".slider").css("width",300); $(".slider").nanoslider({width:300,height:184}); } } // Execute on load checkWidth(); });A lot of us unwind after a tough day with a drink, but sobering new research says just a few of those a week could put some women's health at risk.
Alcohol is one of the risk factors for breast cancer, but until now no one knew why. ?Now new research might help women save their "own" lives when it comes to how much they drink.?
There is a lot of laughter in this room at Gilda's Club in Madison. ?Kim Mickelson told us, "laughter is the best medicine for me." Kim was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago.
Cathy Helmsing was diagnosed in October of 2011. ?Kim and Cathy also lean on Gilda's Club for support from those who have also fought to live. Cathy said, "we've become great friends through our time here."
After what they've endured both feel the more knowledge the better when it comes to their health. "I don't want to do anything to help the cancer come back," Cathy commented.
And for some women alcohol could be the enemy. ?One study found having just three to six glasses of wine a week increases a woman's risk for breast cancer by 15%, but until now nobody new why.
New research points the finger at an enzyme that breaks down the alcohol you put in your body. The women who have higher levels of that enzyme could be more at risk for breast cancer if they drink.
"This enzyme, when it's elevated it results in conversion and creation of more toxic species," Dr. Christopher ?Chitambar explained. ?An oncologist with Froedtert and The Medical College of Wisconsin he hopes this knowledge will lead to one more way women can protect themselves. "Everybody wants to see what they can do with their lifestyle to reduce their risk of cancer."
Kim hopes other women are listening to their doctors and the new research. "I don't want anyone to go through what I've gone through. ?So if you you can reduce your odds, just put that other glass to the side."
Not every woman's body produces a higher level of this enzyme. The hope down the road it to develop a test to identify the women who do. ?Doctor's can then let them know they might be at a greater risk if they choose to drink.
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Geno Smith, a quarterback from West Virginia gestures after being selected 39th overall by the New York Jets in the second round of the NFL Draft, Friday, April 26, 2013 at Radio City Music Hall in New York., Friday, April 26, 2013 at Radio City Music Hall in New York. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)
Geno Smith, a quarterback from West Virginia gestures after being selected 39th overall by the New York Jets in the second round of the NFL Draft, Friday, April 26, 2013 at Radio City Music Hall in New York., Friday, April 26, 2013 at Radio City Music Hall in New York. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)
FILE - In this March 26, 2013, file photo, linebacker Manti Te'o runs the 40 yard sprint during Notre Dame's NFL football pro day in South Bend, Ind. Some analysts have Notre Dame's All-American linebacker Mante Te'o back to being a first-round cinch, even after a great season was marred by a poor game against Alabama followed by the hoax involving a deceased "girlfriend." He did not perform well at the NFL combine but did better at pro day in South Bend. Te'o is one of the people to watch for during the three-day NFL draft beginning Thursday, April 25, 2013. (AP Photo/Joe Raymond, File)
West Virginia's Geno Smith waves to fans on the red carpet before the first round of the NFL football draft, Thursday, April 25, 2013, at Radio City Music Hall in New York. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)
FILE - In this Feb. 25, 2013 file photo, Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o runs a drill during the NFL football scouting combine in Indianapolis. Baltimore Ravens general manager and executive vice president Ozzie Newsome hopes to fill out the team's roster this weekend by making the most of 12 draft picks. Te?o could be an option, although several mock drafts have him going to Minnesota with the 25th pick. (AP Photo/Dave Martin, File)
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell opens the second round of the NFL Draft, Friday, April 26, 2013 at Radio City Music Hall in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
NEW YORK (AP) ? Manti Te'o and Geno Smith provided the sizzle previously missing from the NFL draft.
Te'o is headed to San Diego, Smith is a Jet, and Radio City Music Hall shook with the kind of noise usually heard in stadiums when they were selected.
The theater rocked with two picks within minutes of each other Friday night.
Te'o, the Notre Dame All-America linebacker, was chosen sixth in the second round by the Chargers, drawing a loud roar from the fans. One spot later, the Jets took the West Virginia quarterback, drawing a raucous reaction of cheers and boos.
The big names had taken over from the bulk and beef of opening night, when 18 linemen went in the first round.
Te'o, who led the Fighting Irish to the national championship game, was projected as a first-rounder last year. But his poor performance in a rout at the hands of Alabama, some slow 40-yard dash times, and a tabloid-ready hoax involving a fake girlfriend that became a national soap opera dropped his stock.
"I did expect to go in the first round," Te'o said. "But things happened and all it did was give me more motivation."
When former Chargers defensive back Jim Hill was handed the card to make the announcement by Commissioner Roger Goodell, he was told, "You're going to get a big cheer when you announce this pick."
It was more a mix of surprise and recognition of the most talked-about player in the draft finally finding a landing spot at No. 38 overall.
The Chargers traded up with Arizona to grab Te'o, the Heisman Trophy runner-up. Te'o ran a 4.82-second 40-yard dash at the NFL combine, slow for a linebacker. He did better at Notre Dame's pro day, but NFL teams already had plenty of football reasons to doubt his worthiness as a first-round pick.
San Diego was willing to gamble on him.
"We did a lot of work on Te'o and I've seen him for a number of years," first-year general manager Tom Telesco said. "He loves football. He's passionate about it. He loves to practice. He loves to play."
Two officials, each with a different team, said their clubs passed on Te'o in the first round partly because of his off-field issues. The men, speaking on condition of anonymity because team draft strategy is confidential, said the decision was not just because of a disappointing combine performance or the linebacker's poor performance in the national title game.
Te'o was the third linebacker chosen in this draft.
"It's a perfect scenario. My parents can come and watch, I can go home, it's San Diego," said Te'o, a native of Hawaii. "We're all excited. I can't be any happier."
With the very next pick, the Jets sent their QB situation spiraling into further chaos. They already have Mark Sanchez, who struggled last season but was brought back in great part because of a prohibitive contract. They still have Tim Tebow, who almost certainly soon will be cut. They signed David Garrard, who hasn't played in the NFL since 2010.
And now there is Smith, who waited futilely throughout the first round, returned to the theater Friday and was rewarded.
"It's extremely relieving. I withstood the test of time," he said. "It felt like forever in there."
If Smith thought that was tough, wait until he enters the cauldron overseen by Jets coach Rex Ryan, where every move by every QB on the roster is tabloid-Internet fodder for days.
"I'm a competitor and I'm going to accept my role on the team, whatever is handed to me," Smith said, "but my job is to compete day in and day out."
Safety Johnathan Cyprien of Florida International was the first selection of the second round. Cyprien was a standout in the Sun Belt Conference and really solidified his stock with an excellent performance in the Senior Bowl.
"He's got a passion for the game," coach Gus Bradley said. "He is very animated. He just enjoys it. He loves to play the game. I think he's going to add to what we have here and the attitude that we're looking for."
Arizona added some spice to the third round by selecting former LSU cornerback-kick returner Tyrann Mathieu. The Honey Badger was a 2011 Heisman Trophy finalist that LSU dismissed from the team last August for failing a drug test. He was arrested in late October after police said they found marijuana at Mathieu's apartment.
"He impressed me so much in my office one on one, knowing at this point in time what he needs to do in his life," Cardinals first-year coach Bruce Arians said. "I was really taken aback a little bit. He knows what his problems are, he knows what he has done to himself, but he also knows that someone will give him a chance, that he knows what he needs to make sure he succeeds."
Other notable second-round picks Friday were Tennessee wide receiver Justin Hunter by the Titans, who traded up with San Francisco; Stanford All-America tight end Zach Ertz by Philadelphia; and North Carolina's Gio Bernard, the first running back chosen, by Cincinnati.
After no running backs were selected in the first round, five were taken in the second. The number of linemen dropped to five.
The presumed top-rated running back, Eddie Lacy of Alabama, went with the next-to-last selection of the round, to Green Bay.
NCAA record-setting RB Montee Ball of Wisconsin was chosen by Denver.
Tampa Bay's first pick this year was defensive back Johnthan Banks of Mississippi State at No. 43 overall. Washington, which traded it first-rounder last year to draft Robert Griffin III, went for defensive back David Amerson of North Carolina State at No. 51.
New England, known for trading early picks for a bunch of later selections, chose linebacker Jamie Collins of Southern Mississippi at No. 52. Seattle, after trading down six spots with Baltimore, closed out the second round by taking running back Christine Michael of Texas A&M.
Cleveland used its second-rounder, which would have been 39th overall, in last year's supplemental draft to take wide receiver Josh Gordon of Baylor, who made 50 catches for the Browns in 2012.
New Orleans was stripped of its second-round pick in the bounty scandal.
The final pick of Day 2 was the Titans' selection of Missouri linebacker Zaviar Gooden.
Among those who didn't go were quarterbacks Matt Barkley of Southern California, Landry Jones of Oklahoma and Ryan Nassib of Syracuse; South Carolina RB Marcus Lattimore, who is recovering from a severe knee injury; and two starters from national champion Alabama, OL Barrett Jones and DT Jesse Williams.
AP Sports Writers Bernie Wilson, Rob Maaddi and Rachel Cohen contributed to this story.
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By Steve Olafson
TULSA, Oklahoma (Reuters) - There was no doubt in Nora Guthrie's mind where the final repository of her famous musician father's legacy would be.
The Woody Guthrie Center opened on Saturday in Tulsa, allowing visitors to see the folk singer's handwritten lyrics to "This Land Is Your Land" and thousands of other lyric sheets, letters, postcards, artwork, photos, manuscripts and journals.
Guthrie was born in Okemah, Oklahoma, about 60 miles from Tulsa, in 1912 and spent his early years there. He gained fame in the 1930s for ballads that drew attention to the plight of Dust Bowl refugees, migrant farmworkers and others dispossessed by the hard times of the Great Depression.
Guthrie's papers were stored in boxes for decades following his death from Huntington's disease in 1967, just after interest in his life and work had been rekindled by Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul and Mary, and others during the 1960s folk music revival.
It was not until the early 1990s that Nora Guthrie started poking through the boxes that her mother, Guthrie's second wife, had carefully packaged.
She recalled pulling out the lyric sheet to "This Land Is Your Land" and asking an archivist what she should do to protect it. A cup of coffee was nearby, Nora Guthrie said, and the archivist carefully placed it and the lyrics a safe distance apart before explaining some of the basic points of archival storage.
The decision to move the archives from New York City to Oklahoma came about a decade ago. The Guthrie family had lost track of where Woody's mother, who died of Huntington's disease in 1930, was buried but rediscovered it in Oklahoma while a touring exhibit on the singer's life was visiting the state.
Family and friends gathered at the grave site, where Nora Guthrie said she was overcome with a feeling that her grandmother was telling her, "Thanks for bringing my boy back to me."
"It was a very powerful experience," she said. "There was some kind of strong pull to bring Woody back to Oklahoma. That was the catalyst."
The George Kaiser Family Foundation in Tulsa bought the archives two years ago and agreed to transform a brick warehouse into the Woody Guthrie Center.
On Friday, before the center was opened to the public, one of its first visitors was Guthrie's first wife, Mary Jennings Boyle, 96, of Riverside, California. Sitting in her wheelchair, she watched a multi-media presentation that depicted her marriage to Guthrie after they had met in the Texas panhandle town of Pampa.
She had no objections to be being part of a museum exhibit and said her memories remain fond despite Guthrie's wanderlust, which left her at home with their three kids.
"Our life was not like the normal life," she said. "It just wasn't in him to do that ... Woody wasn't one for doing what most people do."
Bob Santelli, executive director of the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, calls Guthrie "one of the most important American songwriters."
"His relevancy today is as rich and vibrant today as when he was crisscrossing America writing songs about it," he said.
A variety of recording artists have been invited to browse the Guthrie archives to set his unpublished lyrics to their own music.
"That has never been done before," said Tiffany Colannino, the center's archivist. "Archives traditionally have been a repository for preservation."
The center also features a theater and a classroom for educational programs, but Guthrie's leftist political views will not be pushed on anyone, said Deana McCloud, an English teacher who has been hired as the center's executive director.
McCloud said students who come from tough economic circumstances can find inspiration from Guthrie, who grew up amid the poverty of the 1930s Dust Bowl, "but still had power because of his creativity."
"We're not trying to tell kids what to think," McCloud said. "We're just encouraging them to think."
(This story was fixed to correct spelling of Tiffany Colannino in paragraph 17)
(Editing By Brendan O'Brien, Greg McCune and Bill Trott)
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In this Tuesday, April 16, 2013, photo, Specialist Michael O'Mara, left, and trader Fred Demarco work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. World stock markets fell Friday April 26, 2013 after Japan faced an unwelcome drop in consumer prices. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
In this Tuesday, April 16, 2013, photo, Specialist Michael O'Mara, left, and trader Fred Demarco work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. World stock markets fell Friday April 26, 2013 after Japan faced an unwelcome drop in consumer prices. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
NEW YORK (AP) ? The stock market stalled Friday after the U.S. economy didn't grow as much as hoped and earnings from a handful of big companies failed to rev up investors.
The economy grew at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the first three months of the year, the government said. That was below the 3.1 percent forecast by economists.
The shortfall reinforced the perception that the economy is grinding, rather than charging, ahead. Investors have also been troubled by reports in the last month of weaker hiring, slower manufacturing and a drop in factory orders. Many economists see growth slowing to an annual rate of around 2 percent a year for the rest of the year.
U.S. government bonds, where investors seek safety, rose after the report.
"There are some concerns as we head into the summer," said JJ Kinahan, chief derivatives strategist for TD Ameritrade. "In the last three weeks, we've have seen numbers that weren't exactly what you'd love to see."
Corporate earnings this week have also contained worrisome signs. Many companies missed revenue forecasts from financial analysts, even as they reported higher quarterly profits. For example, Goodyear Tire slipped 3.3 percent to $12.51 Friday after revenue fell short of analysts' estimates, hurt by lower global tire sales.
Of the companies that have reported earnings so far, 70 percent have exceeded Wall Street's expectations, compared with a 10-year average of 62 percent, according to S&P Capital IQ. However, 43 percent have missed analysts' revenue estimates. Just over half of the companies in the S&P 500 have reported quarterly results.
The S&P 500 index dropped 2.92 points, or 0.2 percent, to close at 1,582.24.
The Dow rose 11.75 points, or 0.1 percent, at 14,712.55. The index got a big lift from Chevron. Profit for the U.S. oil company beat expectations of financial analysts in the first quarter, pushing shares up 1.3 percent to $120.04.
Three stocks fell for every two that rose on the New York Stock Exchange.
Both indexes were up for the week and remain slightly below their all-time highs reached April 11. The Dow index rose 1.1 percent this week while the S&P gained 1.7 percent.
The market has been bolstered by the Federal Reserve's easy money policy. The disappointing growth figure for the economy will ensure that the Fed sticks with its stimulus policy, providing a support for stocks, said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Rockwell Global Capital.
"The economic data that we've been getting points to no early exit for the Fed's stimulus," Cardillo said.
The Nasdaq composite fell 10.72 points to 3,279.26, a decline of 0.3 percent. The index is still 2.3 percent higher this week.
The tech-heavy index has lagged the Dow and the S&P 500 this year, but it led the way higher this week, boosted by Microsoft. The software giant, which makes up 5.3 percent of the Nasdaq, recorded its biggest weekly gain since January last year, 6.8 percent, after reporting earnings April 19 that beat Wall Street's expectations. The company also rolled out an aggressive push into the computer tablet market.
Even Apple, the largest stock in the Nasdaq, had a good week. Apple rose 6.8 percent to $417.20, its best weekly gain since November, despite posting a decline in quarterly profit Tuesday. Apple accounts for 7.6 percent of the Nasdaq composite.
Among other big names investors were focusing on, fell 7 percent to $254.81 after the company warned of a possible loss in the current quarter. The online retailer also reported lower income for the first quarter as it continued to spend heavily on rights to digital content. Expedia fell 10 percent to $58.56 after the online travel company reported a quarterly loss.
Homebuilder D.R. Horton surged 8.7 percent to $26.66 after its income nearly tripled thanks to a continuing recovery the housing market. The results handily beat the forecasts of financial analysts who follow the company.
J.C. Penney jumped 12 percent to $17 after the billionaire financier George Soros disclosed that he had taken a 7.9 percent stake in the struggling company.
In government bond trading, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note slipped to its lowest rate of the year, 1.67 percent, from 1.71 percent the day before. The yield has fallen from 2.06 percent six weeks ago as traders move money into lower-risk investments.
The dollar weakened against the euro.
The European currency bought $1.3029 at the end of day, compared with $1.3002 the day before. The ISE dollar index, which measures the U.S. currency against a group of other world currencies including the Japanese yen and the euro, dropped 0.3 percent, to 82.48.
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CAIRO, April 27, 2013 (AFP)
Egyptian police arrested 12 members of the ?Black Bloc? ? a violent group opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood ? after clashes outside Cairo?s presidential palace, the official MENA news agency said Saturday.
Protesters hurled rocks and fire bombs at the walls of the presidential palace in Heliopolis, and torched a police vehicle, a security source told MENA.
?Security forces arrested 12 youths who were among rioters involved in the events around the presidential palace on Friday,? the source said, adding the judiciary would take action against those involved.
Police fired tear gas to disperse the masked activists of the Black Bloc movement, a security source told AFP.
Footage broadcast on private television station ONTV showed a police vehicle ablaze on the edges of the presidential palace compound.
State television reported early Saturday that ?clashes between the police and the Black Bloc at the presidential palace wounded 20 people.?
A security official told AFP that three security personnel, including two officers, were among those hurt.
Demonstrators, hooded and masked and dressed in black from head to toe, appeared in January in Cairo and other provinces, calling themselves the Black Bloc.
They present themselves as the defenders of protesters opposed to Islamist President Mohamed Mursi?s rule.
On their Facebook page, the activists say they are a ?generation born of the blood of the martyrs? from the 2011 revolution that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak.
Prosecutor general Talaat Abdallah accused the group of ?terrorism? three months ago.
For the past five months, Egypt has been suffering a grave political crisis, marked by deadly clashes between supporters and opponents of Mursi.
The palace in Heliopolis has already been the scene of similar violence, notably in December, when tens of pro- and anti-Mursi demonstrators died in clashes.
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